Wow what an episode. It played with my emotions so much and now I'm all turned around and I don't know how to feel anymore!
My favorite part of the episode was the Clifford and Marlize stuff. I loved seeing more of their flashbacks into their life before the Thinking Cap and the particle accelerator though after the past few weeks I can't see Clifford as anything but abusive so even during the flashbacks I was cringing in fear of him hurting Marlize although I know he wouldn't do anything. I also couldn't see any of his romantic moments as more than creepy which again objectively could have been sweet but I just couldn't. Even their first meeting was uncomfortable cause he basically tore her apart on stage and if that was me, dude Clifford would not have gotten a date from me! It was also interesting to see that Clifford was always kind of insane cause like who even thinks like that. I was really surprised however to see that Marlize eventually came around to the same way of thinking cause I was under the impression that she was better than him.
In hindsight that's probs just cause she has been abused for so long that I have softened to her and to be honest though I was hoping the whole episode that she would try to stop him by helping Team Flash or something so I was a bit surprised that she actually fought Cisco and helped Clifford escape. And then I was stunned when she finally turned on Clifford and in fact decided to be a badass and take over Clifford's plans as it seems. Ironically I'm so down for that. I loved Marlize in her badass black outfit ready to kick ass and I hope she murders the shit out of Clifford and sweeps the rug from under him. I love her and I love the idea of her being the Bigger Bad for this season.
Speaking of other badass women, Caitlin was trying to get Killer Frost back tonight through spikes in adrenaline and fear which doesn't really make any sense to me scientifically but I'm going to stop trying to think when the show tells me science cause none of it makes sense. If adrenaline and fear are needed to get KF back, why was Caitlin putting herself in dangerous situations? Wouldn't it be easier to inject herself with adrenaline or cortisol? She also kind of snapped at Iris at the end when Iris was saying that they would get KF back but that Caitlin had to stop trying to put herself in dangerous situations. I'm torn here cause I do love Caitlin and I want KF back but I sort of agree with Iris but at the same time I want to see Caitlin leave the team again and go off on her own for a bit but I know the show would never let us see her individual journey so I don't want that cause I don't want her off the show.
Meanwhile over in Star Labs, Barry is back to be an ass. You know at this point in the show I feel like the writers actually constantly write Barry as an ass just so Iris can have something to do and talk him down. It's getting kind of ridiculous cause it seems like for seasons Barry could not give less of a shit unless the problem has to do with himself. Tonight he decided to force himself in between Cisco and Gypsy's relationship practically trying to force him to fix their problems just so he could solve him own. Why is it that Oliver is constantly shit on when he's actually trying to do good but everyone loves Barry even though he's constantly a dick.
I never once thought that Cisco would leave the team to join Gypsy because again the show can't handle writing characters with their own storylines and sets so if Cisco did join Gypsy like I think it would have been super fun to, Cisco would have been written off Flash and that would suck cause I love him. I don't understand why we can't have a b or c storyline being Cisco and Gypsy being breechers or Caitlin off on a solo journey or Iris as a reporter when we always have a b and c storyline practically every episode. At least this way the other storylines would be a hell of a lot more interesting. I was sad to see that Gypsy and Cisco broke up but it makes sense cause I'm sure it would be practically impossible to have a relationship like they do. Long distance is hard enough let alone across different Earths.
We finally got an explanation as to what DeVoe's evil plan is and it's to strip the intelligence from everyone's minds. It seems that DeVoe's original plan was to remove technology from the world but now it seems like he wants to be the only one without the lowered intelligence so that he can rule. I love this as an evil plan cause it's damn creative and I can't wait to see more!
We also got more of that weird girl who we're all pretty sure is from the future. Tonight we got some hints that maybe she's Cecile and Joe's child rather than Barry and Iris's like everyone thought but at the same time she seems to dislike Iris for some reason cause her expression went cold as soon as Iris appeared in her line of sight. She also seems to be a speedster which goes back to the Barry and Iris's child theory cause it would be easier for Barry to pass on his speed to a daughter rather than her somehow getting them from Joe. I have been wondering for a while if she's good or bad cause she does have moments where I'm like could she be a possible villain? How much fun would it be if she wasn't related to anyone and was somehow just a fan of Barry's (aka the Flash) from the future who comes back to be around him but then gets jealous that Barry's with Iris or that he doesn't want her as a sidekick or something. There aren't too many episodes left so I'm wondering if she'll end up being a hanging thread for next season.
Next week looks like a lot of fun with the return of Amunet. I hope this means that we get a lot of Cailtin as well! I would also like to see more of Marlize and perhaps her being an evil badass too?
I'll see you all Thursday for my Arrow review!
xoxo Allie
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