Monday, October 31, 2016

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 4 Review

This episode was everything. Where else are there actual superhero fight clubs??? Ugh I loved it and I'm so excited about this season. I love how different it is from the other Flarrow-verse shows in that it has a overarching villain but at the same time the theme of the season is kind of more important and I love this theme of aliens figuring out where they belong and how they fit in. It's fascinating this idea that there are all these aliens just chilling on Earth that we didn't know about! I am so glad the procedural elements of season 1 are gone because I've never been a fan of procedurals. I swear Supergirl could not have done anything better for itself than moving to CW.

Okay so firstly, let's get right into the fight club! I didn't know anything about Roulette until I googled her and the costume in the show was exactly like the one in the comics which is always fun. In the comics, she forced the Justice Society to fight each other and although we saw a bit of that in this episode, I hope we see more in the future of heroes fighting each other. It seems like both in the comics and the show that the fights are done between mostly willing participants but it would be fun if she ended up building a collar of some kind that could kill those who refused to fight as more of an incentive. M'gann claimed that she and J'onn had to fight or else but I was sitting there the whole time wondering how on Earth a normal human was threatening aliens with powers. It was the only plot hole in this episode that took me out of the fun. But I was glad that Roulette didn't get arrested cause that means there will be more of her in the future!

I liked M'gann and J'onn this episode a lot. It was fun seeing J'onn trying to bond with M'gann both through speaking and through a telepathic link. M'gann is a lot older than she is in the comics normally so I'm wondering if the show cast an older woman for the part specifically so M'gann and J'onn can be in a relationship. I would be fine if they did because although unexpected, I wouldn't mind. Martian Manhunter has always seemed to be a loner in the comics cause he has no interest in human women so a Martian (even a White Martian) would be fine. I liked the reveal at the end of the episode that M'gann was a White Martian which was done so non-comicbook readers would know who she really was. I'm excited to see this storyline play out cause again J'onn has such hatred for White Martians that it'll be an adventure to explore. I also hope she meets Supergirl at some point because they're friends in the comics.

The fight between M'gann and J'onn was fun to watch too. I liked that they were able to become invisible and transport during the fights because Martians can do that and it never makes sense to me why J'onn gets punched in fights cause he should be able to avoid them unless he's surprised or attacked from behind so it was nice to see the show recognize that. I don't mind it too much because it's probably just a matter of budget for the show.

After this episode, I am certain that Alex is the LGBTQ main character that Berlanti promised we'd get. It was much less subtle this episode in how Alex felt about Maggie especially with how jealous she was when she saw Maggie kiss another girl. Even Kara felt like something was up. What I am enjoying about this is how slow the progression of this storyline is. I'm assuming based on what we've seen so far, Alex does not know that she's into women (or maybe she's just realizing she's bi). Her and Maggie have great chemistry and it'll be fun to explore this more.

Mon El and Winn partying was my favorite thing. I loved how Mon played Winn into taking him out and that Winn knew what was happening but did it anyway. Winn's hangover the next day and very obviosu guilt slayed me. I'm loving Winn this season. I hope the whole costume and codename thing does end up happening cause I would definitely enjoy that. His costume is like Superman's but in the opposite colors and without the S symbol and he's known as Valor. I also love how Daxomites are literally the frat bros of the universe. Kara definitely needs to relax a little sometimes and Mon will probably be perfect for that. I'm glad that the cold shoulder Kara is giving him ended this episode because any more episodes of that and it would have gotten repetitive. I liked how she decided to take him under her wing and become a mentor of a sort.

Look's like based on the promos that we're finally going to get Guardian next episode and the return of jealous James Olsen which should be fun. I also loved how Mon got a nerdy outfit to wear out as if all superpowered people need to wear glasses. I'm looking forward to it.

Tune in tomorrow for my Flash review!

xoxo Allie

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 6 Review

I enjoyed this episode despite the writing being very weird this epsiode. Did anyone else notice how strange the writing was or was it just me? Anyway, let's get into it.

So speaking of weird writing, since when does Henry not like Hook and doesn't think Hook is part of the family? Henry was the one who told Emma to go for it with Hook and he acted like it was a surprise that Hook loved Emma too. It felt super contrived all so what it could parallel the flashbacks? It was strange and I was not a fan.

Another thing I was not a fan of was the Evil Queen and Rumple. Blech. I hate this weird writing of their relationship too. Again they have never been into each other before. Regina always saw him as sort of a mentor when she wasn't hating him. There was never sexual tension. I'm just thrilled that the show did not go the soap opera route and have Belle walk in on them as they kissed just when Belle was thinking about letting Rumple back into her life at least for the baby's sake.

The flashbacks were fine. I feel like we really don't need more flashbacks of our core group cause we know their stories already. I did like the return of Liam, Killian's half brother and I was glad that the show didn't just drop his existance. I liked the ending in present day where Liam sort of forgave Killian and then saw Nemo again. I knew nothing of Nemo's story so it was nice to learn a little about it.

And now for my favorite part of the episode, Aladdin and a bit of Jasmine. Like I said last week, I'm thrilled they are such a big part of the show and I love that they're not officially a couple yet because then we get to see their romance blossom on the show! Oh and Aladdin is so hot in his Storybrooke clothes. I mean did you see his biceps when he was sitting in Granny's diner with Jasmine. Swoon. Okay but no seriously, I love the parallel between Aladdin and Emma and I would love if they continued to have scenes together and worked through the Savior curse.

I'm still waiting for Jafar to appear because there's no way he's not in Storybrooke with the others. And I'm curious about this problem with Agrabah... Is this going to be like when Elsa and Anna needed to save Arendelle and returned there through a portal and we had a quick wrap up with them? It seems weird that Jasmine would constantly talk about it unless we're actually going to see them save Agrabah in the show... Maybe it'll flash back and forth between Agrabah and Storybrooke or maybe some of our Once characters will go to Agrabah with Jasmine and Aladdin.

Anyway I liked this episode and it looks like there's no Aladdin or Jasmine next episode so that's unfortunate but the Evil Queen is fun so it should be an interesting episode. Tune in tomorrow for my Supergirl review!

xoxo Allie

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 4 Review

Tonight's episode wasn't as good as the past few weeks and I think it's because I still don't care for the new team so the fact that Oliver had his own thing with Diggle, I was super interested in that stuff and basically zoned out for the team stuff.

The new team is so pathetic minus Rory. Their very first mission solo and Wild Dog gets captured. Will this mean that he'll be less cocky in the future? Of course not. He was whining all episode every time Felicity or Curtis talked about making a plan of action or doing some tech stuff to find out where Church was going to be. Oh I'm sorry Renee, do you just want to run around Star City whistling here Church heeeere Church like he's a dog instead? Jesus. Artemis is just there. She really has nothing to do. Poor Curtis though was stabbed by a dagger and his screaming made me think he was going to die for a second and I was freaked out only to find that he was fine and just in pain. I'm so not used to pain screams. Normally in tv shows when stuff like this happens, the person dies.

I do really like this Felicity and Rory friendship. I liked how she seeked him out when he quit the team and how he offered an olive branch to her in the end with a cup of coffee. I liked how he was able to realize that when in the vigilante business, things aren't always black and white. There are a lot of grey areas and sometimes you need to make the tough call. I would normally ship them except I don't know how old Rory is and I still love Oliver and Felicity.

The flashbacks were fun and kinda short but we got to see Oliver kill someone again. Is it just me or do you also think about how in season 2 the Bratva kicked Oliver out because they didn't like doing his favors everytime Anatoli or anyone talks about how Bratva is family. What kind of mob kicks people out instead of killing them or keeping them on? Maybe cause Oliver's got sway with Anatoli, the Bratva needs to back off.

My favorite part of the episode was the Diggle break out sequence. I liked how easy it was to convince Diggle to break out and I loved the weird harness pulling them into a plane thing. It's always fun to see Lyla and I liked her being the tech person in place of Felicity who did not approve of the mission. Still waiting on a group hug for the three of them!

Loved the episode and I'm excited for next week. Will Digg be back on the streets as Spartan? Obviously. Will Wild Dog die? Of course not. Will we find out what lie Felicity is telling her boyfriend as to why she's out at all hours? Don't worry about it.

Tune in Sunday for my Once Upon a Time review!

xoxo Allie

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 5 Review

Another amazing episode that I enjoyed thoroughly until the very end!!

I'm still loving the return of the original team minus Jemma and the addition of Ghost Rider! I loved their mission into the base and how freaking utterly badass Daisy was in the cafeteria fight scene. Like seriously, she didn't even have to use her powers to beat almost all of the Watchdogs. God the Watchdogs irriate me so much. And especially one of the Watchdogs was a black man. Are these people not understanding how horrid it is to hate an entire group of people for being different? Anyway, I liked how Coulson and May saved Daisy in the end. I keep waiting for a group hug or a hug between Daisy and Coulson. Someone needs to hug Daisy. That's all she needs. But also I'm kind of over this whole I need to stay away from everyone cause I cause people to die thing she's doing. May put it exactly right. It nevers works out because there's no way to stop everyone from caring about you and that she's been through it before and knows it doesn't work. Even Lincoln wouldn't want this.

On the flip side, while Daisy, May and Coulson were having all the trouble in the world, Robbie and Mack managed to make it through the jail without too much trouble. They did have a run in with two of those ghost-people but Robbie dispatched of them quickly enough. Mack did get touched but now that Fitz has created a cure, he was able to cure himself of the demon touch fear thing which was awesome. One of my favorite scenes this episode was when Fitz and Mack were going back and forth on the coms and the teasing Fitz and Mack were doing on the plane. I liked Robbie's eye rolls at their relationship cause I always think it's fun to show how much these characters like each other. Also I think it's kind of hilarious how easily these ghosts are being dealt with and now that there's a cure, there's not even a sense of urgency around the ghost touch anymore. Anyway they were able to save Eli but Eli ended up being caught by Lisa anyway because Mack and Robbie had to split up and Robbie left Eli alone to settle some old debts. I knew from the first moment Robbie and inmate spoke that the inmate was probably responsible for paralyzed Robbie's brother. It was pretty badass when Robbie walks through the jail with his Ghost Rider on and all the inmates run back into their cells in fear.

Speaking of badass, Jemma kicked ass tonight. She was all worried that the lie detector would cause her to be fired because she was keeping a bunch of secrets from SHIELD but the director had bigger problems and so her test was put off. I was a little disappointed the show decided to have AIDA be a reason for Jemma and Fitz to fight because after last week, I thought Jemma understood why it had to be a secret and I'm hoping next week all is forgiven and the reason that Jemma was angry this week was because she was stressed about the test. I loved when she realized that director was lying about Vienna and blackmailed him into not making her take the polygraph tests anymore. I got all excited at this part because I thought Jemma was going to say that the director wasn't an inhuman but that wasn't the case. What even is his power? How do we know he's actually who he says he is. We've never met him before but the show acts like he's Captain America in how we should know everything about him. I'm calling it now: Director Mace is not an inhuman.

Now that I've gushed about everything I liked, let's talk about what I didn't. I didn't hate the last scene between Mace and the senator who hates inhumans but I've never enjoyed watching this kind of stuff on my screen. The fact that Mace is going to be blackmailed and that he cares so much about poll numbers irritates me. First of all, SHIELD is not a public political office. There is no voting directors into power so why are approval numbers such a big deal? Also even if SHIELD is not working in the shadows, the public has never had a real place in the going-ons. Can you imagine Fury having to plan his decisions on what a random person in Utah thinks???? It's so contrived and annoying and I get that this is what happens in real life with government but I don't care to spend so much time focusing on it in a tv show unless it a political one. Agents of SHIELD is a spy/superhero show. Let's stick to that. I want to see the team battle villains not politicans and worry about what the public thinks.

Anyway, despite the ending and the storyline with the director, I loved this episode. Tune in tomorrow for my Arrow review.

xoxo Allie

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 4 Review

Loved tonight's episode. There were a bunch of funny moments, a couple of creepy ones and overall was a ton of fun.

So these metas that Barry has to fight every week have become so unimportant to the show that you could basically skip every scene and you really wouldn't miss anything. They're really only there to fill up time and have someone for Barry to beat up. Then again this is true for any of the DCTV CW shows. I never thought I would be saying this but maybe they should take some hints from Gotham and try to work with recurring villains or one big bad instead. It's definitely hard with 22 episodes but I'm wondering what's going to happen when we run out of these one-off villains. Mirror Master was fine. It was fun seeing Barry in a mirror and the scene where Iris checked out her butt made me die of laughter.

Captain Cold was back tonight but only in flashbacks and illusions. It's kind of disappointing that he's not back yet but I know he's supposed to be dead in present day and he's supposed to be in the Legion of Doom on Legends of Tomorrow which I can't wait for. I'm pretty sure that a younger Captain Cold will be picked up by the Legion, one that didn't join the team yet so at least he'll be on our screens despite not being the one that we loved. Ugh and that means he and Sara won't be a thing anymore (I hope this ends up happening again cause there's something I love about their pairing).

Iris and Barry are still happy and together and adorable but Barry was a little uncomfortable with PDA in front of Joe. It was a fun way for their to be problems in their relationship without going the obvious route of lying or secrets (at least so far). Here's hoping that their relationship will be more smooth sailing and less Olicity flailing around. On another note, why is it that everyone gets super annoyed when Olicity's romance is focused on a la Lost Souls where Felicity is worried that she's losing sight of who she is but we can have a whole episode devoted to how uncomfortable Barry is making out with Iris in front of Joe? I mean the two plotlines are very different but is it simply just the audience hates Felicity and doesn't like it when she's front and center?

Cisco, Caitlin and Harry were searching for a new Harrison Wells for the team and although this led to a bunch of funny scenes where Tom Cavanagh played a bunch of different people, the idea behind this was super super creepy. Like you have a life Harry so let's just fish around for a different Wells. Why not get someone else from this Earth to join the team? Why do we need a Harrison besides to employ Tom? They ended up picking a cheerful Harrison and I have a feeling this isn't going to go well.

Jessie being Jessie Quick was fun too and I loved her mentor-mentee relationship with Barry. I snorted at Barry's line about being Oliver because I'm pretty sure he quoted the exact thing Oliver told him in season 1 of Flash. I liked that she was able to overcome Top and her kiss with Wally was sweet. I still kind of want Wally and Artemis to be together now that she's on Arrow so I hope they have even a little connection during the crossover because I loved their relationship on Young Justice.

I'm so glad Caitlin has gotten these ice powers in this timeline because it's so much fun seeing her slowly become Killer Frost. I still think she should talk to someone about her powers because I'm sure they'll give her the benefit of the doubt seeing that they know her and know that she's a good person. I thought for sure that Barry realized it when he broke free from the mirror but it looks like Cisco might figure it out based on the hint that Harry gave him about the machine not working correctly.

And with that I think I discussed mostly everything that happened this episode. I enjoyed it a lot and make sure to check out my Agents of SHIELD review later tonight!!

xoxo Allie

Monday, October 24, 2016

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 3 Review

Another great episode of Supergirl aired tonight! Let's get into it!

So Lynda Carter was on tonight's episode and she was the POTUS who came to National City to sign the Alien Amnesty Act. It was a wonderful thought and I liked how happy Supergirl was that the act was being signed. It was also interesting to see what some of the more extremist aliens thought about the act and how it was a ploy to be able to hunt down the aliens. I would like to know more about the act because to me it sounded like it was a way to prevent aliens from being killed just for being aliens but according to the fire alien who's name I never caught, it seemed to require aliens to list themselves as aliens on a database and if that's the case, well you know how I feel about lists..... After seeing how poorly these kinds of lists can be kept secure on Agents of SHIELD, I really don't think tagging aliens will work any better. In fact, no one should be tagged and tracked like animals. This episode was diving into the idea that aliens should have the same rights as humans and it was very reminiscient of real life debates about minorities and the LGBTQ community. Aliens and Mutants and Inhumans have always been a way for comics to discuss and debate real world issues of rights and prejudices.

Speaking of prejudices, Kara had a bit of a problem with Mon El. It turned out he was an Daxomite from the Kryptonian sister planet Daxom and neither Krypton nor Daxom got along so because of this, as soon as Kara found out Mon wasn't a Kryptonian, she let her prejudices get in the way and assumed that he was the one trying to kill the President. I was a bit disappointed in Kara because she of all people should have understood that you can't judge a book by it's cover. She spent the whole episode dealing with human prejudice against aliens especially with the new tech LCorp was creating to sense aliens and she knew that was wrong but when she got the chance to be in the same place as the humans, she did exactly what they would have and did not give him the benefit of the doubt. Of course though Kara is a good person and she realized by the end of the episode that she hadn't been fair to Mon El and was able to open up to him. I really hope they end up dating because I think they could have a fun Romeo and Juliet thing!

Across town there's apparently an alien bar where aliens go for refuge from the world which is one of the coolest things I've seen and I really hope that not only do we get to visit this bar again but that Kara gets to head there and check it out. I wonder if this place serves alien drinks in addition to alcohol from Earth? I just want to see Kara geek out in this place. J'onn went down there at the end of the episode and he ended up running into M'gann who was working as a bartender. She reacted strangely upon seeing him and he realized something was wrong immediately. M'gann is a white Martian in the comics who pretends to be a green Martian like Martian Manhunter and it looks like that'll be the case in Supergirl as well. It will be fun to explore this because the White martians in Supergirl killed all of the green Martians other than J'onn who has a deep hatred for them and M'gann probably knows this and this will mean that at some point, J'onn and M'gann will have to deal with this and it's going to be amazing! I'm looking forward to the bonding they'll do and I hope J'onn is less suspicious of her existance and more excited like Kara was to see Clark or to meet Mon El!

Maggie Sawyer also appeared in this episode and at first I was really confused as to why she knew so much about aliens at the POTUS shooting crime scene because she was human and humans don't know everything about aliens and their powers but it made more sense when she revealed the alien bar and how she frequents it all the time. She was kind of annoying when we first met her but she turned out not to be half bad. It seems like she and Alex might be heading into having a relationship but we don't know Alex's orientation so nothing is clear as of now. I wonder if we'll see more of her.

Jimmy was having trouble being the boss and Snapper kept trying to take over. Eventually Kara showed him that he needed to take charge and he did. I'll be interested to see what the catalyst is for Jimmy to become the Guardian. Winn was doing his usual thing and tracking all sorts of things down. I hope the show can give him some sort of storyline in the future. Lena Luthor is building a tracking device that can display who's a human and who's an alien which not only is a horrible way to allow people to be scared of aliens but also seems to be poorly built. You need to touch it in order for it to let you know whether you're an alien so people are going to force aliens to touch it? Also how does LCorp know alien skin is different than human skin? Are there a lot of alien skin samples in the vaults?

There were a lot of great shots in this episode particularily the one where Kara created a vaccum Flash-style to prevent the fire alien from taking in oxygen and the one where Kara was shot by a fireball while she was in the air and turned around and flew into the camera. It's crazy how much better the CGI looks now that Supergirl is on CW!!

Anyway loved this episode and tune in tomorrow for my Flash and Agents of SHIELD reviews!

xoxo Allie

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 5 Review

So before I get into this episode, let me repeat once again that Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie and because of that I will be either super energetic or super bitter about the episode because I'm super picky about what I see from Aladdin. Now let's get into it shall we?

First of all, let's discuss the costumes! I was so happy because after seeing the weird cosplay costume that Elsa got with the limp braid and the crazy hair Merida got, I was worried that the Aladdin and Jasmine costumes wouldn't be as perfect as they should have been. Luckily everything was perfect! Jasmine's hair! Jasmine's costume! The chemistry between Aladdin and Jasmine! The Aladdin costume! The Aladdin hair! Jafar's snake serpent staff! AHHHHHHHH

I loved the story of Aladdin and Jasmine in this episode. It was a little different from the original Disney plot but there was enough similarities sprinkled throughout for me to love it. They had their first meeting in the market place, the apple toss from Aladdin to Jasmine, Aladdin being the diamond in the rough, the Sultan being under Jafar's spell, Jasmine being stuck in an hourglass, Aladdin saving the day and of course the I can show you the world line!! I kind of really like that they didn't actually get together in the end of the flashbacks because that means we will get to see more of them in the present!!! The story of Aladdin and Jasmine will not be complete until they end up together and come on! We never even saw them kiss so there has to be more.

I still don't know if I like this Jafar. So far I still prefer Naveen Andrews but we also saw him for a season compared to a few minutes we saw Oded Fahr this episode. Since his story wasn't wrapped up in the flashbacks either, we're going to see more of him too and I cannot describe how pumped I am that the cast of Aladdin isn't an one-off kind of thing like how Hercules and Meg were all built up during the Underworld arc and were in one episode. I liked the idea of him giving Aladdin the shears that cut his destiny and I hope we get to see more of why/how Aladdin used them! Also loved the little Oracle bird who I want him to name drop Iago! I understand why we can't use the Genie but let's use Iago at least!!

In the present day, the Charmings and Regina and Hook found out that Jasmine was who she was and that Aladdin was the savior in the past and then the Evil Queen disguised as Archie outed Emma for keeping secrets. Regina got super un-chill about the whole not being in Emma's vision and it was kinda funny but she came up with a weird way to track Aladdin. Hook was sad that Emma lied (as if they've never lied to each other) and the Charmings and Henry were terrified for Emma. I loved how brave Jasmine was both in the flashbacks and in the present. Hook was trying to convince her to wait outside and she walked forward anyway. I knew from the moment they entered the crypts that Aladdin wouldn't be dead but hiding around the corner or was under an illusion spell or something cause HELLO freaking Aladdin couldn't be dead when Jasmine was alive!!! You can't destroy a beloved Disney movie like that!

Seeing Aladdin and Emma talking about their mutual savior-ness was awesome! I want them to work together to try to figure out how to save Emma and I want Jasmine and Henry or Hook to work together as well to save their saviors in their own way! I love the parallelism between the two saviors and the people that love them and I will be super disappointed if they don't capitalize on their similarities. I assume we will if we're keeping Aladdin and Jasmine on!

Oh and the Evil Queen and Zelena went for a girls day out and the Evil Queen convinced Zelena to become wicked again which Zelena accepted. Still annoyed that Zelena shifted back to the evil side!

As you can tell, I loved loved loved this episode and I loved loved loved everything Aladdin!!! I can't wait to keep watching the show and can't wait until next week even though it looks like a Hook episode. Tune in tomorrow for my Supergirl and Gotham review!

xoxo Allie

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 3 Review

Ugh why are all the shows so on point this season????? It causes my recaps to sound like hardcore fangirling and I can't even analyze anything cause I'm so freaking pumped about everything!!!!! As you can probably tell, I loved tonight's episode of Arrow.

So first up I still don't like the new team. The characters are fine and I do love Curtis but I miss the old team. I'm still hoping they'll come back but I have to admit, watching them all work together and seeing Curtis' T mask was amazing. I am one of those people who can never decide if I like Oliver working solo or in a team but I do always get swept up in the excitement of team battles! I wonder how long it will be until Evelyn actually gets her Artemis suit unless what she's wearing is her suit but if that is the case, it'll be super disappointing.

I liked seeing Felicity all torn up about Havenrock and Rory but it was kind of sad that Felicity felt like she could not talk to Oliver about it. He talks to her about all his problems but I was glad that Curtis figured it out immediately why Felicity was being all weird around Rory and lent her a shoulder to lean on. Oliver was too wrapped up in his own stuff that he didn't even notice Felicity acting weird. I was so sure last week that Rory would try to hurt Felicity but after this week, I feel like he'll lean more towards forgiving her which I don't know how I feel about. I kind of wanting a Felicity kidnapping again a la season 1 and 2....

It made me laugh to see Cody Rhodes on Arrow as a Stardust dealer. If you don't know Cody Rhodes and Stephen Amell had a wrestling match on WWE and in WWE Cody's stage name is Stardust. It was a big wink to the audience. What I found funny about the situation (funny ironic not funny haha) was how Arrow stopped him after he felt no pain. He was running around talking about how no one can stop him now that he can't feel pain but I was sitting there like so you can't feel pain, that doesn't mean you can't die. All it would take was a perfectly aimed bullet to the head or chest. But Oliver's way was better in ripping all his tendons. And here's the ironic part. Killing would be so much more humane than these crippling injuries.

And poor Diggle! I was so excited to see Deadshot in the previously on Arrow segment and then in the jail cell with Diggle but it was heartbreaking to find out he was actually a hallucination on John's part. I have always loved their weird relationship and I was so excited that the DCU was letting him back on the show so it was sad to find out he's still dead on the show. I still will never understand why they had to kill him off. Like the DCU and DCTV are not connected. You can have two Deadshots! Anyway, I liked his interactions with Lyla and it's heartbreaking that John thinks that he has to punish himself for Andy. I'm excited that Lyla reached out to Oliver which I knew she would do and I'm excited for Oliver and Diggle to meet again!

Oh and there was some mayor stuff. Some newscaster woman was trying to take shots on Oliver's administration and she played Thea like a fiddle to get Thea to admit to Oliver not knowing about Lance's hiring. I was sitting there like Thea girl, you need to say that everything you say is off the record or don't say anything at all!!! Haven't you watched any shows with reporters on them?? I did like how Oliver handled the situation in the end and that he both hired Lance and kept Thea on as his Chief of Staff. I'm glad they finally explained what Thea's position was because before she was just running everything. Also when Thea was talking about quitting, I was sitting here like did Thea even go to college? I'm pretty sure she was in high school season 1 and then ran a bar season 2 and 3 and was a vigilante season 4. Like what else could she do? I did like how she threatened that reporter in the end!

The flashbacks were short this episode and consisted of Oliver finally accepting his Bratva position. Also the guys that were killed last week were murders so now their deaths were okay.

Anyway, loved this episode and I'm pumped for the break out next week!!! I really need my original team to meet up and need a group hug from them all!!!

xoxo Allie

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 3 Review

Another fun Flash episode tonight! I was a little worried that this season would go the way of the second season after the premiere but I'm glad that the last episode and this one were great!

Jessie and Harry are back for lets be honest, at least midseason. The show doesn't feel that same without Tom Cavanagh so I'm glad he's back. Even better is that he came back with a speedster Jessie! She looked thrilled to have powers all episode and I can't wait until she puts on her costume! I also liked how jealous Wally was in response to the fact that Jessie got powers and he didn't. I am pretty sure he's going to go to Dr Alchemy too to try to get his powers back as well especially after listening to Frankie talk about her experience.

Speaking of Frankie, I always like when the show decides to end the episode differently than locking up the villain or whoever Barry is facing and this was a fun end. Frankie wasn't responsible for her crimes and I'm glad the show decided not to put her in jail. It was weird though that she decided to call her alter ego Magenta cause usually the names for these metas are related to their powers in some way. I did like Cisco's meh at her name. It made me smile.

I'm enjoying this slow burn that the show is trying to do with Caitlin and her ice powers. It makes sense why Caitlin would try to hide them because everyone has met Killer Frost and it would be only logical for everyone else to fear her becoming a villain if she told them. Especially since that time after Ronnie died when she tried to hide her emotions and Cisco was afraid that she was becoming Killer Frost. Despite this, I wish she would come clean to at least one person. I think Iris would be a good choice or maybe Jessie. Neither have really interacted with Killer Frost and may be less judgmental than Barry or Cisco.

Iris and Barry are still precious and I was a little worried at the beginning of the episode that their one bad date would lead to the end of their relationship a la Oliver and Felicity at the beginning of season 3. Luckily that was not the case and I'm glad that Iris understands when Barry has to run off. I never understand why the significant others of superheroes always get upset when dates are interrupted. Hello, you're dating a superhero: it comes with the territory!

And with that, I believe I can wrap up my review of this episode. I enjoyed it a bit more than last week's episode and don't forget to tune in tomorrow for my Arrow review!!

xoxo Allie

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 4 Review

I am always so psyched after these SHIELD episodes. Minus the premiere, I have loved every episode to pieces and this one was no different!!!

I have been waiting for Daisy to come back and she finally is! I loved all the scenes with Jemma and how proud Daisy was that Jemma was the boss and how proud Jemma was when Daisy fake-threatened her with the gun to convince Jemma to work with her. I love their friendship and Jemma is such a badass now!! Like when she walked into that apartment and no one was in there and I was yelling at my tv for Jemma to get out of there and she pulled out her gun cause she was suspicious! Such growth! I'm so proud.

The thing with James was a little disappointing because he was a Secret Warrior in the comics and I expected him to join up with Daisy and become a vigilante too. That would have been a ton of fun but I guess since he's not dead at the end of the episode, there's a chance that could still happen! I didn't know if I liked where the show was taking Daisy this season but now after seeing how unstable James is, it makes more sense why Daisy is having a rough time and I kind of like the idea of exploring how each inhuman that was under the control of HIVE is adapting.

I loved Robbie meeting Coulson and their race in LA!!! I was sitting there like Robbie you're awesome and everything but your car is not Lola so you're going to lose. I was waiting for Lola to start flying but I loved how they stopped Robbie anyway with the Quinjet in stealth mode!!! Poor Robbie though. That stop looked like it hurt!!! I like him teaming up with SHIELD and I can't wait to see his reaction to Daisy being with the team again. It's going to be exciting. I know I keep saying things like fun and exciting over and over but that's where I am with my mood right now! I wonder if this means that Robbie will join SHIELD by the end of the season. Maybe he'll be a part of the Secret Warriors?

Now all I need is for the whole team to work together like they used to! Oh and Bobbi and Hunter back now that their pilot got dropped although Adrianne Palicki did get a role on a new show which is super disappointing because they might not return.

AIDA was fun this episode too but I keep seeing the little seeds that the show was planting. AIDA is 100% going to go rogue and if she doesn't, I'll be shocked. Like what was up with that long speech about why lying is good sometimes. Radcliff couldn't have been more obvious unless he looked into the camera directly and winked when he talked about how sometimes lying can be a SHIELD. Lol whaaaaatttttt!!!!! A SHIELD!!!!!! Seriously. I did like how May liked AIDA cause she was so serious but I was surprised that Jemma figured out AIDA was an android right away. I expected AIDA to be another one of those obstacles in Fitzsimmons way and that she would think that Fitz was cheating on her with AIDA or maybe get angry that he was hiding things. I was pleasantly surprised the show did not go there.

Also the ghost Lucy thing is super creepy and I like that the show has a scientific explanation for the ghosts! I know magic is supposed to be a thing in the MCU now but I still like the science in SHIELD explaining everything.

Keep an eye out for my Flash review coming out later tonight!

xoxo Allie

Monday, October 17, 2016

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 2 Review

Something about this new season is killing me and in a fantastic way!!!! I can't stop squealing during each episode and I hope that this feeling continues now that Superman has left and the season continues.

First up, I still love love love Superman and Supergirl teaming up. I love how funny Clark is when he's fighting and how sweet their relationship is. I loved the action in the episode and I'm so glad Supergirl is on CW with their much better CGI and special effects and fight choreography!!! It really makes the show feel more realistic and less cheesy than last season!

I did kind of hope that maybe the show would acknowledge what Alex said about Clark abandoning Kara because in a way he kind of did but I'm also kind of glad they didn't because this episode was too upbeat to touch on that dark of a subject. There's always a chance that they'll talk about it in a later episode. I'm not sure if you watched the Justice League cartoons but in that show, Kara was also adopted by the Kents and I know that Supergirl probably separated them for logistics but it would have still made sense if she grew up with the Kents and then moved to National City so I hope we do get a conversation about this.

I'm a huge fan of the Danvers sisters and the moments they have but every time Alex talks about how she gave up everything for Kara, I want to roll my eyes. Kara did not force Alex to do this for her and I like that Winn talked about how the worst thing a foster family can do is tell their foster child how lucky they are. This wasn't really touched on too much in the episode so again I hope this becomes a bigger deal later on. Kara needs to stop apologizing for being there.

Cadmus is not exactly what I expected in that they decided to go public and take credit for the threats again Superman and Supergirl. It would have been smarter to keep it more of a secret organization and I kind of really really hope that Cadmus is being run by Lex or Lena or even Maxwell cause I feel like Cadmus as the villain on their own, may not be as impactful as if it were a Luthor or Maxwell who has clearly started his mistrust of supers.

I have to admit, when Cat told Kara that she was leaving, I cried. When the show started, I was not been a huge fan of Cat because as you may know, my least favorite part of these CW superhero shows are when the superheroes get lectured by someone (Flash is the worst at this). These are adults, not teenagers. They shouldn't need to be advised every day. But as the show continued, she grew up me and something about this scene just pulled on my heartstrings. I know this isn't going to be the last we see of Cat cause she is slated to be a series recurring character so I'm looking forward to seeing what brings her back. Also can her son slash Melissa's IRL husband come back? I loved him and Kara together.

I hope we see more of the Snapper Carr and Kara relationship because he seems to be the only one not impressed with her which makes interesting television. I was surprised when James said that he was put in charge of CatCo but I guess that's the show's way of making sure James has something to do. Who's excited for him to become Guardian?? Winn slayed in this episode and I can't not laugh every time he says something! His line to Clark about wanting to hang out more next time while hugging him was amazing.

I'm excited to see what's up with Mon El and I'm excited to explore his story and how he'll fit in with Kara. I'm calling it now, they're going to date which could be fun because dating another superhero prevents the problems of having to explain why dates are missed and there will be no hurt feelings because they'll be fighting crime together! Speaking of dates, I kind of want Maxwell back so Alex can flirt with him cause they had CHEMISTRY!

Tune in tomorrow for my Flash and Agents of SHIELD reviews!

xoxo Allie

Gotham Season 3 Episode 5 Review

So I was really not feeling last week's episode as much as I could have and I'm not sure what exactly it was that I didn't care for but I wasn't a fan. This week's episode was a lot better!

Penguin as mayor is still hilarious. I like how he was using Gotham City funds to build a statue of his mother. Like nah the money isn't needed for schools or anything. We can use it to make a statue. The new Red Hoods knew right away to destroy the statue. But straight up the best part of this whole thing was Penguin calling a meeting with all the mob bosses and lecturing them about how much he loved his mother and their faces as he talked.

Riddler is back in GCPD and making everyone uncomfortable. Fox threatening Ridder was awesome and I loved Lee smacking him and then threatening him. Poor Riddler. No one's scared of him anymore. I was waiting all episode for Riddler to meet Jim.

I'm surprised Valarie is still with Jim. I thought after last time, they were calling it quits. But now I feel like Valarie's whole oh I can't come over tonight cause I've been here the last three nights sounds less like she isn't interested and more like she's trying to convince herself that she's not interested. I also feel like Lee is being weird with her new fiance cause she keeps going to Jim with every detail in her life. She's totally trying to get Jim to freak out and want her back. Also who puts an engagement announcement in the paper? But I was right there with her with the surprise at how he didn't care.

I also like how Jim's new PI job is allowing him to take on cases that he wouldn't have in the GCPD and his relationship with Bruce is precious. Him teasing Bruce about his relationship with Selina was hilarious too. Everyone ships Bruce and Selina. Even better was when they were talking girls in the diner. But back to Ivy, I thought she killed that construction guy but I guess she left him alive? She was so harsh to Selina though and poor Selina has been running around worrying about her! I still can't wait until she gets her powers!!

Now can we take a moment to talk about Selina rejecting Bruce!!! It was definitely weird cause she was so jealous of that girl from last season and she's always so upset when Bruce doesn't want to hang out! I'm right there with Bruce in that their relationship is confusing!!!

And poor Butch! I was half-terrified for him throughout this episode that he would be caught by Penguin. Tabitha and him are still precious but I can't rave enough about how the underworld bosses are all such allies. Barbara could have killed him or tossed him to Penguin but instead they had a talk!! I hardcore didn't believe Riddler was turning on Penguin and I saw the betrayal coming a mile away. Poor Butch. It's so unfortunate because I loved Riddler and Penguin so much and now I roll my eyes whenever Riddler's on screen.

Also was this the first time that we found out the name of Barbara's club? Cause it's definitely the first time I paid attention to it. How cute is it that it's called the Sirens like the Gotham Sirens aka Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and Catwoman!!

Oh and Mad Hatter appeared at the end and I loved it. He's nuts.

Anyway keep an eye out for my Supergirl review!!

xoxo Allie

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 4 Review

I started out kind of bored with the episode because I really didn't care about the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde but my opinion definitely changed as the episode went on and I really liked it!

So firstly I loved the twist of Dr Jekyll as the villain and Mr Hyde as the good one and the addition of Mary was perfect. The one thing I can't stand is when the "nice guy" gets all irritated that the girl he loves isn't into him because of a bad boy and how the "nice guy" will start whining about nice guys finishing last. The way Jekyll got so indignant with the fact that Mary loved Hyde instead of Jekyll so much so that he killed was shocking but at the same time obvious.

I loved how Belle realized how sketchy Jekyll was immediately after he called Mary his. After six seasons of being with Rumple, she knows who the bad guy is. I liked the link there between Mary and Belle. Both had the choice of the good guy but was attracted to the bad one (or passionate as the show describes it) instead. I also liked Rumple's reasonings for going after the formula although I kind of wish it was after he thought Belle died. Despite this, it makes sense as to why he would seek them out as he was starting to fall for Belle. What didn't make sense though was why Jekyll and Hyde were so pissed at Rumple. He didn't force them to do anything they didn't want to or kill Mary like I thought he may have. A little manipulation here and there but not even he knew where this would go!

I kinda love the idea of Hook and Belle being besties and its now my headcanon that they gossiped with each other every night. David being so awkward about Emma and Hook was cute too. He's so casually jealous of losing his daughter that it's precious. Also it looks like Snow and Charming finally remembered they had a baby son named Neal lol.

I still care very little about Snow White's need to be a teacher but I was thrilled when I saw Karen David appear. Cause I'm so in love with Aladdin, I obviously recognized her to be Jasmine right away and I am so beyond thrilled that Aladdin is alive in the present day because that means I'll get to see more of him! I'm pumped for next week's episode where we finally get to explore Aladdin and Jasmine!!!!!!!!!!!

Tune in tomorrow for my Supergirl and Gotham reviews!

xoxo Allie

Friday, October 14, 2016

Top 9 Season Premieres (Fall 2016)

As I mentioned yesterday, now that most of my shows are back, I can rank them for you!!

1. Supergirl
2. Agents of SHIELD
3. Arrow
4. Gotham
5. The Flash
6. Once Upon A Time
7. Legends of Tomorrow
8. How to Get Away With Murder
9. Quantico

xoxo Allie

Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Episode 1 Review

We're back with Season 2 and the premiere was fine. Other than the pilot, Legends has always been a so-so show for me and though I love time travel, the storylines are sometimes not very fun. This one was okay.

I actually really liked that Sara has not just forgotten about Laurel the way Arrow seems to have forgotten about her and that Sara is pissed and looking for revenge. I love her so much and it's hilarious to me how much every woman she meets is into her too. Nyssara is still my OTP though and at some point (possibly if this show is cancelled and Arrow is still on air) she and Nyssa will be together again.

Ray's boy scout thing irritates me most of the time and it irritated me here when he was lecturing Sara. I mean yeah she was kinda wrong for trying to kill Damien but Ray didn't have to act all holier-than-thou about it. I mean when his wife died he decided to build a fancy suit and fight crime. That's not a healthy grief response either Ray.

Rip is totally not dead. I thought he might be for a second but then his hologram said that he would see them again. Why is it only the women of the Flarrow-verse that die all the time? Rip could have died and that'd be no sweat off anyone's backs. Who even likes Rip honestly?

This new historian guy is here to take the role of Rip while he's missing and honestly the Legends should just stop with time-traveling. The little amount they care about preserving history is hysterical and you would think after last season and Vandal Savage they would realize that they need to blend in.

Damien Darkh and Reverse Flash are the villains of this season right? I actually really like this idea of Reverse Flash traveling back in time to ruin things although my brain explodes trying to decide from what point in time he came from. Is this the Reverse Flash from 2016 that went back because of Flashpoint or is this Reverse Flash from the future before he decided to kill Barry's mom? Is the Flash going to find out about this cause I feel like he'd have an invested interest in knowing the Reverse Flash is out and about.

The Justice Society of America appeared for five seconds at the end of the episode and I'm really confused cause they clearly exist in 1942 but Vixen is there and she was on Arrow in 2016 so does this mean that she's also immortal like Vandal Savage and Damien Darkh or does this mean that they have a time traveller on the JSA? Or maybe the Legends will take her with them and then drop her off a little earlier than 2016.

Anyway I liked this episode overall and I want to learn more about the JSA which was the only part of this season I thought sounded interesting. I hope we see Captain Cold again cause the actor did sign a deal with the CW to appear on all Berlanti shows. I miss him and Sara.

Now that all my shows are back, keep an eye out for my tv show premiere episode rankings so you know which returning episode was my favorite!

xoxo Allie

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thoughts on New Fall 2016 Shows - Conviction, Timeless and Luke Cage

One of the best parts of Fall are the new tv shows and there were a couple that I checked out!! Here are my thoughts!

Up first is Conviction on ABC!!! So I watched a trailer for this show and I was on the border as to whether or not I was interested in it but regardless of how I felt, I always kinda knew I would check out at least the first episode of the show. Why? Two words: Hayley Atwell. I love love love Hayley and I would watch anything she's on at least once. After watching it, I'm still on the fence as to whether or not I like the show but it didn't turn me off so I am going to keep watching. Hayes is such a different character than Peggy and you can tell that Hayley is having a ton of fun playing her. It always makes me laugh in these kind of shows how civilians will recognize first daughters or celebs at that caliber because that would so not be me. Besides Hayes I also really liked Emily Kinney's Tess and Frankie. They were a fun duo together and I enjoy forensics so I liked what their job on the force was. Also Shawn Ashmore from X-Men and Merrin Dungey from Once Upon a Time are on this show. I would recommend checking out this show for at least the first episode cause it looks like it has potential. Who knows, it might become one of my favorites!

Next up is Timeless on NBC! So I accidentally caught a trailer for this show while I was surfing channels and it caught my attention because I love time travel. I don't normally watch NBC because it's mostly full of procedurals but the trailer for this show was interesting enough that I decided to check out the first episode. After watching the first episode I think I'm in the same place as Conviction in that I'm interested to see where the show goes. I liked Lucy and Rufus and I'm sure I'll like Wyatt as the show progresses. The plot line seems to be exactly what I figured it would be in that each episode will consist of the team traveling back to a specific time period and stopping the villains from getting their way. Hopefully the show is able to find another way to spice things up because repeating the same plot over and over gets tiresome but I'm sure they'll figure something out. I did enjoy the twist at the end because I was not expecting their time travel changes to have such an heavy impact. Shows like this always claim that changes in the past change the future but rarely do such changes occur so I'm glad that Timeless is not going to be pulling punches which makes it more interesting. I would definitely recommend checking the pilot of this show out!

And last but not least is Luke Cage on Netflix!! Unlike the other two shows on this list, I have actually watched the whole season of Luke Cage so I have a better understanding of this show and I would 100% recommend that you check it out. This show was so different from most shows let alone from the Marvel Netflix shows. It felt a bit like an exploration into the black community and it's so empowering to see a black superhero. The show was full of twists and turns and just when things started to get a little dull, bam it picks up again. Claire Temple and Trish appeared in this show and unlike Jessica Jones or Daredevil, every single character on this show was a joy to watch. All of the villains were amazing and the show ended in a fun way. I can not rave about this show any more. If you've been living under a rock, check it out! You won't be disappointed!! If you're curious about how I'd rank the Marvel Netflix shows, it would be as follows:

Daredevil Season 2
Jessica Jones Season 1
Luke Cage Season 1
Daredevil Season 1

Anyway that's all for now!!!

xoxo Allie

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 2 Review

I really am liking this season a lot better than the last two seasons already but this episode wasn't as good as the last one. This does not mean that I didn't like the episode because I did but simply that I didn't like it as much as last week's.

So I know that the show wanted Oliver to be in the wrong when he was trying to teach the new team but to me it felt more like the recruits were being giant babies. They claim they can fight and that the Green Arrow needs to let them do stuff but they couldn't even work together to fight Oliver. It was so obvious from the minute the exercise started what the goal was and these three couldn't put it together. It's just super unfortunate for this team because I'm only really interested in Artemis and seeing her suit up. I like Curtis but I don't really care to see Curtis become Mr Terrific or Wild Dog. And compared to Digg and Laurel and Thea and Roy, this team seems like such B-listers and that's not a good thing. It seems kinda weird too in that we all know that Digg is coming back so why do we need to go through all these episodes meeting the new team.

Speaking of Digg, the poor thing was back in the army and ended up being set up for something he didn't do. I bet he regrets his life choices now. He never had these problems when he was in Team Arrow. I'm assuming that his storyline is that he's going to be court martialed and he's going to return to Star City but refuse to join Team Arrow until he clears his name. It'll give us a reason why he's not returning to the Team but be close enough to the others that he can have scenes with them while also giving him a storyline.

It looks like we're going to be seeing some after-effects for Felicity for nuking a city from last season. I have to say I completely forgot this happened because of how little I liked the end of season 4 until the show mentioned it twice. I still don't know how I feel about Felicity's new boyfriend and I think that's a mix of the fact that we met him in the middle of their relationship so we didn't get to see how they met and got together and the fact that I prefer her with Oliver. Despite this, I do like seeing Oliver and Felicity a la season 1 and 2. Tbh any conversation they have that doesn't have brooding is perfect for me.

Quentin is still drinking but is now deputy mayor which I like. I still need Sara to have a scene with him because Arrow is acting as though she doesn't exist right now which I really don't like or need. The show references Barry more than they do Sara. Ragman also appeared who we thought was the villain for a hot second but then it turned out he was on our side and it looks like Oliver is going to recruit him. This reminds me a lot of the Helena situation from season 1 but maybe I'm wrong and he's actually going to join the team and stay there.

Tune in tomorrow for my thoughts on the new fall shows.

xoxo Allie

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 3 Review

Ugh we're back after a week off and I'm so glad. Agents of SHIELD is my favorite superhero show and it's not the same when SHIELD takes a week off.

So apparently the Watch Dogs have taken over in the place of Hydra and I know some people were really annoyed of Hydra but I always liked them. I do understand why with inhumans existing the big bad had to become something different. Their plan of trying to blame inhumans for the blackouts was a smart plan. It's always a better idea for villains to pretend their the good guys and try to get the people on their side before attacking and the Watch Dogs were doing that. What was kinda cheesy was the idea that taking out the EMP in Miami turned on the power in LA but I'll roll with it. Also they don't give Fitz enough credit but he basically saved the day. How else would they have been able to figure out where the EMP signal was without him?

This kind of stuff with the inhumans and the mutants always make me so sad. I don't understand how people don't understand that by shunning those unlike them, they're just breeding evil. If everyone just accepted each other, then there would still be problems but on smaller scales. Poor YoYo and her dumb friend who decided she didn't want to be around her anymore just because she was an inhuman now. YoYo's still the same person and her friend should have realized it. Also how funny is it that Mack and YoYo are basically a thing but Mack won't make a move allowing everyone to tease him including Fitz?

Speaking of not accepting people, Gabe and Daisy finally met and he decided that Daisy was a terrible person and should not be around Robbie. What on Earth caused Gabe to think this other than the fact that Daisy was an inhuman? Of all people he should know how you shouldn't judge based on what someone looks like. She literally saved his life and he's like nope go away. It's extra ironic knowing that Robbie is the way he is and having Daisy around is not going to change that at all. In fact it'll probably do him some good. It was really sweet how Robbie went out to buy/steal/borrow medicine for Daisy's arm. I just felt really bad for her and I keep hoping that she'll make her way back to SHIELD but I doubt we'll see that until midseason at the earliest.

SHIELD is now officially back out in the open and although I disliked this whole thing with going public (I mean a PR guy seriously?), I have to admit I had all the feels when the SHIELD logo was revealed. I do agree with May that Coulson should have been the one to be out there making the announcement and if it was, I wonder if the moment would have been less bittersweet.

It seems May is finally back to normal and I'm so glad. For a moment there I actually believed that she died and would be made into a Life Model Decoy but I cannot tell you how glad I am that it did not happen! AIDA was much less creepy in this episode and I think that's because she wasn't sexualized. I think that's what creeps me out about robots and stuff. Jemma crying over May was so heartwarming and May's confused face when Jemma threw herself at her was hilariously sweet.

The new senator is real weird. I wonder how sane she is because she seems to be pretending like her brother who's in that weird casing that people go into before they die or are reborn as an inhuman was him. I was having some trouble studying that scene but it looked like he was in the casing so that means that he was a human exposed to the terrigen mist which is weird because those crystals were basically gotten rid of and the fish pills don't affect humans. I was sure with how weird she was acting that her brother was an inhuman and would be tied to a chair or something cause she hates the inhumans. I wonder if she's the one behind the funding of the Watchdogs or if she works for someone higher. I get a vibe of underling from her.

So as you can tell I really loved this episode and I can't wait for next week when Robbie is brought into SHIELD. I loved that running joke that Coulson was the only one who didn't see the Ghost Rider. Anyway tune in tomorrow for my Arrow review.

xoxo Allie

The Flash Season 3 Episode 2 Review

I was not a huge fan of last week's episode of the Flash but this week's was a lot of fun. I enjoyed seeing all the changes that the timeline made and I'm excited to see where this season goes.

First of all, I didn't really understand why Barry was trying to keep everything with the time travel a secret for so long cause when they travelled to Earth 2, Barry was telling everyone everything. But it was cute that Barry ran to Felicity for help cause their friendship is adorable. But poor Digg! Sara is now John Diggle Jr aka Connor Hawke in the future which was a fun nod but that means that Legends traveled to a different timeline or Connor was supposed to be another child of Digg. I did like how he admitted the truth to everyone in the end cause secrets annoy me. Every time people hide things, things always go bad and these things could have been solved with the truth.

Last week I wasn't sure if I liked the changes to the show but after watching this episode, the changes weren't as extreme as I thought they were. I was worried about Iris and what changes could have happened to make her and Joe not talk but the problem didn't change much and was solved by the end of the episode. I also felt really bad for Cisco and Dante but I guess that in this new timeline they were much closer. This new storyline will at least give Carlos something new to do. Speaking of something new, you don't know how happy I am that Caitlin got ice powers. She has been relegated to the background for so long and you don't even notice at first. I recently just rewatched a couple of season 1 episodes and she had so much to do! In the second half of season 2 all she did was sit behind the computers so I'm thrilled that she might have something to do.

Tom Fellton is playing the new CSI and he dislikes Barry for no reason other than he thinks Barry is untrustworthy and faking the nice guy routine which is hilarious cause it seems like he's actually the ass not Barry. Oh and speaking of asses, so glad that the Rival came back. Can you read how sarcastic that was? Well at least he's dead so we won't have to deal with him. I'm assuming Alchemy is the big bad of this season? It should be really exciting see a non-speedster villain. 

Also Barry and Iris were adorable in this episode. I loved their slow-mo kiss. I ship them so hard and I hope they can be together now but more in the background. We do not need to see their dates or watch them go through relationship drama. Can we please have a normal relationship?

Look out for my Agents of SHIELD review.

xoxo Allie

Monday, October 10, 2016

Gotham Season 3 Episode 4 Review

Episode 4 was another fun episode but there were some weird moments as well.

Barbara was hilarious as usual and her scenes are always made better by Jim's reactions to her. He was suicidal all throughout this episode and it turns out this was because of his pain with seeing Lee with another man. He ended up being able to push past this pain in the end and break the control the Mad Hatter had over him. I still think that he and Lee will be back together by midseason or so.

Speaking of the Mad Hatter, it seems the show decided that he wasn't creepy enough and decided to go with the highly cliche incest angle. Of course he was into his sister. But despite this, it was really really creepy when the Hatter and Alice had scenes together and props to the actors for that. In this time, incest is such an overplayed theme that sometimes it falls flat of where it needs to be. Again I am thrilled that the Hatter has not been killed or captured yet cause that means he can come back again.

Penguin is mayor as if there was any doubt! The best part of this was how Riddler and Butch were vying for Penguin's attention and affection. It was hilarious seeing Nygma jealous of Butch and Butch jealous of Nygma. Penguin and Nygma's relationship is starting to move from bromance to straight up romance and I wonder if that's an acting choice or something I'm just seeing that isn't there.

Fake-Bruce ran around with Selina longer than I expected but like I thought eventually my girl figured out he wasn't really Bruce although she was finding suspicious things throughout most of the episode. Fake-Bruce kissed her and it was weird because Selina didn't react like at all. She just stared at him expressionless. The end was funny when Bruce tried to girl-talk with Alfred and Alfred was having none of it. Bruce's smile at the thought that Selina kissed Fake-Bruce because she thought he was the Real-Bruce was the cutest thing and god I ship them so hard.

But like seriously, did anyone believe that whole Fake-Bruce is leaving Gotham and never coming back thing the show was trying to sell? Nothing has happened with Fake-Bruce yet so he couldn't leave without stirring shit up. And on top of that why would the show go through the trouble of a Fake-Bruce if they weren't going to add maximum drama?

Anyway I enjoyed this episode and I'll see you tomorrow for Flash and Agents of SHIELD!!!

xoxo Allie

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 1 Review

OH MY FREAKING GOD. Did you all experience this episode as I did??? Was it not the most comic-booky awesomeness ever??? Something about this show makes me fangirl so hard. This episode was amazing. It was all the best parts of season 1 in one episode! Supergirl kicking ass, Alex kicking ass, Martian Manhunter, Kara and James being friends, and Winn being dorky!! Let's get into shall we.

I was worried about the size and age of Tyler Hoechlin when I found out that he was cast as Superman because not only was Clark is supposed to be 12 years older than Kara and Tyler and Melissa are pretty close in age but Tyler wasn't as buff as I pictured Superman to be. After watching this episode, I have to admit that I did not think of my fears at all and even when it was mentioned on the show, I just nodded along to their explanation which now that I'm thinking about it was super cheesy. Then again, this is a world where glasses confuses people enough not to recognize a hero in front of them.

I loved Clark's klutzy-ness and how everyone was in love with him and his bro-shake with James. I wonder if they're going to cast a Lois Lane for this show if Superman is going to be hanging out around National City longer. Melissa and Tyler have great chemistry and it was very believable on screen that they are family. I loved watching them fly around and work together to save lives. Even the short lines from Clark to Alex about Alex's father were great. The fight between Hank and Clark seems kinda contrived but also makes sense in the end.

The James and Kara breakup was kinda out of nowhere cause all of a sudden Kara decided she wanted them to stay friends when all she wanted last season was to date James.... I wonder how much of this is based on the audience response to their relationship and how little anyone shipped them. If we know anything about Berlanti and Co, they definitely listen to their fans. I personally kinda ship Kara with Winn more than James but that's only because I feel like James is barely a character other than hot guy.

I also like Lena Luthor so far but I was a little disappointed that the show outright revealed that Lena was good because I know Katie McGrath is an awesome actress from Merlin and I know she can play double-agent so I was hoping to see some of that. It would have been more impactful if her goodness was revealed later on. Although it is possible that she'll turn bad later on in the season which I would be okay with. Cadmus seems awesomely evil though and I'm so excited to see where it goes. Superboy anyone??

Kara becoming a reporter was expected because duh what else would she be??! Winn joining the DEO also made sense based on the fact that CatCo isn't going to be as frequently depicted anymore and based on the fact that his tech skills were better than every DEO tech agent last season.

Speaking of CatCo not appearing as frequently as before, I should touch on the move to CW really quick. So far I haven't really noticed any major changes but I assume that will change in next week's episode. I know Cat is going to become a series recurring and that the DEO has a new base that honestly I don't think is just as nice as than the old one. It's lit better I guess? The CGI still looks the same to me which is excellent and a lot of the sets are still the same so no real big change there.

Overall I loved this episode so much and it makes me sad that a lot of people are missing out on this incredible show because they didn't give the show a chance. Hopefully more people will pick it up now that it's in the Flarrow Universe or at least on the CW now. Keep an eye out for my Gotham review!!

xoxo Allie

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 3 Review

So when I saw the preview for this episode I was very confused because I didn't understand what was happening and in what world Cinderella wouldn't get her prince but I should have thought of how trailers usually splice together random scenes that actually confuse the audience so I felt really dumb during this episode! I enjoyed watching the episode though and it was fun seeing Cinderella again.

So first of all I guess Anastasia is no longer one of Cinderella's stepsisters? Clorinda has never been an evil stepsister but since Anastasia was in Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, I guess the show couldn't use her and replaced her? This is super annoying because it's like the show doesn't care about continuity anymore unless in Once, there's three stepsisters. And how lame was it that they recycled Anastasia's storyline about being in love with someone who her mom didn't approve of for Clorinda? Cinderella chose to reveal where Clorinda went so her stepmother wouldn't break her glass slipper which was super reminiscent of the way Snow told Cora about Regina wanting to run away. It seems our heroes aren't as selfless as they should be. Anyway everyone was fine in the end and Clorinda forgave Cinderella.

Meanwhile David found out that his father was actually stabbed to death and not from drinking and driving. Did anyone seriously think he would burn the card? I'm kind of glad because Snow has this idea of living very boring lives and that sounds like no fun. Seriously. Last season Snow was all big talk about how she wanted to be Snow White again and not Mary Margaret and here she is wanting to be Mary Margaret again. Although how awesome would it be to be taught science by Dr Frankenstein (I see you David Anders) and Dr Jekyl??

Regina was running around freaking out about the Evil Queen and managed to really do nothing all episode except yell at Zelena for trusting the Evil Queen. This storyline is so lame. Zelena keeps running around whining about how Regina gave up the Evil Queen and I'm like who the hell cares. The Evil Queen was not the reason Regina wanted to be sisters with Zelena. I predict that by the end of the season, Regina will end up reabsorbing the Evil Queen because she's the only one who can stop/control her. Tbh Regina without the Evil Queen is no different than the good-Regina we've been seeing for the past season or two so it doesn't seem like a big deal to me,

Emma is still going through her nervous shaking and I'm wondering how long we'll have before something comes of this. Where's the Oracle again? And why isn't Emma more interested in finding any information about stopping it? I guess we're going to have to wait until the Aladdin episode. She and Henry and Hook make a fun team and by the end of the episode, Emma and Hook have decided to move in together finally.

Oh and Rumple made Belle a tape with a lullaby on it. Who still uses tapes and how did Belle even have anything to listen to it on?? At least made Belle a CD Rumple!

And with that, I am going to wrap up my thoughts on this episode. There's no Quantico tonight so I'll see you tomorrow for my Gotham and Supergirl (AHHH) reviews!!

xoxo Allie

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 1 Review

Arrow Season 5 returned tonight and let me say, it started off with a bang! I'm not sure what exactly was different about the way this episode was shot or written but the tone reminded me a lot of Season 1 and 2 which is a great thing. Season 3 and 4 were hard to get through overall even though episodes here and there were fun to watch. This was hard because Arrow has always been one of my favorite shows and seeing how far it fell hurt.

I think one of the major reasons this episode feels like the show is turning back towards Season 1 was the villain or perhaps villains. The Green Arrow does not have superpowers and he works best when up against non-superpowered villains as well. By bringing magic to the show, the characters had to up their ante and became people we really didn't recognize. A lot of the plotlines seemed so contrived in order to get from Point A to B. This does not mean that I'm saying that all magic and superpowers are bad or that Arrow should avoid all of it but in fact that Arrow's greatest strengths are villains that are more human. And there's nothing wrong with that! Look at Daredevil and Luke Cage. Both their villains are very human and this doesn't take away from their badassness or make the show feel lame. Arrow has a different set of strengths than Flash and Supergirl and even Legends and they need to embrace it. 

I really liked Church this episode. He was a great combination of creepy and insane and in one episode managed to take over all of the gangs in Star City. He feels like a credible threat and even though I don't think he's going to be the Big Bad of the season, he will be fun for a while. I also enjoyed seeing Prometheus and I'm excited to see more of him.

This episode introduced a lot more characters than we normally see on the show and whether or not they'll return, it gave the audience the feeling of a bigger world. Despite Quentin being a cop and a main character on the show, we've never visited any idea of the police having meaning. Oliver always worked outside the law so it was always a sense of the Arrow and the criminals. Maybe it was the fact that Oliver is now mayor and privvy to different sides of the government or maybe the Arrow writers saw how well Marvel Netflix was doing and decided to take a page out of their books but either way, I enjoyed it.

Laurel is now a statue and she's still being memorialized which I love. What was weird though was Quentin falling off the wagon and talking about how he has nothing to stay sober for. I know she's not around all the time but Sara still exists so it's not like Lance has no one! That's the problem with her being on the other show. She can't appear whenever Lance needs her or be there for her father as he recovers from alcohol again.

I liked the way Felicity and Oliver interacted this episode. There was no weird pining or brooding or angry conversations between them. When the show tries to focus on their relationship, they don't do it well. I liked how their glances at each other shows their relationship and one line at the end of the episode where Oliver admits he has no idea if Felicity would want him to let her go was perfect. It shows us everything we need to know about where they are and leaves the door open for the two to get together later on. And don't get me wrong, I love them together but I think the two need to be apart for a little while. Both had their own problems in the relationship and if they get back together, they need to figure themselves out first. Plus the Arrow writers seem to have such trouble with writing romance so maybe they should take a break from that.

Oh and Felicity has a new boyfriend who I think is one of the police officers we saw earlier but I'm terrible with faces and I might be wrong. How long will they be together? Five episodes? Midseason at the latest? What do we think she is telling this boyfriend where she is when she stays out all night doing Arrow business? Is she still the CEO of Palmer Tech? Does she have a job? Do we think this boyfriend might be evil?

I'm looking forward to this new team they build and I loved the Skpe call between Oliver and John at the end. It was precious that they're still talking and allows David Ramsey to still be on the show despite not being in the city. Even the flashbacks were much more interesting. I'm so glad that Anatoli is back because I was worried for a bit that the actor might be too busy to return and Russia would not have been Russia without him!

Anyway, overall I loved this episode and I'm so excited to be back. I'm looking forward to this season and I really really hope that it is another great one. We've had two seasons that weren't that great. It's about time for a good one. I doubt it'll ever reach Season 2 status but if it's as good as Season 1, that's enough for me.

Tune in tomorrow for my thoughts on new fall tv shows.

xoxo Allie

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 1 Review

Who else is excited that we're finally back????? This premiere has been so hyped up that I was a little worried that the episode wouldn't be able to hold up like the season 2 premiere which was super disappointing but luckily this episode was amazing!! It's always fun when these characters are in another world or timeline. One of my favorite episodes of Flash Season 2 was the one where we went to Earth 2 so I was pumped for this episode to begin!

I couldn't stop smiling during every scene that Barry had with his parents and how cute and in love they were. I also couldn't stop laughing every time Cisco was on screen. This billionaire version of him was hilarious. But the best line of the episode goes to Caitlin when she asked Wally if she was being kidnapped and then later asked Barry if she could leave. It was funny seeing how weirdly docile Caitlin was! She was all 'I'm kidnapped, k cool let me help the speedsters now'. Also I love Danielle Panabaker's new hair!!

Iris and Barry are so sweet no matter which world they're in and I liked the way Iris immediately believed Barry when he told them about time travel. I could watch them fall in love over and over.

Since Flashpoint couldn't affect the other shows, there was only so much that the show could change other than characters. I liked how Iris and Wally were a two-man team and I was so excited to see Kid Flash cause Wally is my favorite speedster in the comics. It was kinda sad seeing Joe as a drunk but it makes sense because it the normal timeline he was a little bit of an alcoholic after his wife left before he shaped up and took Barry in.

Rival was kinda lame but he seems to be a one-off villain so I'll cut the show some slack. I did like how much faster Barry was compared to Wally and Rival which only makes sense because he spent two whole seasons trying to get faster. I wonder if Wally will get powers in our normal timeline or if it'll be like Caitlin's Killer Frost not existing in this world.

The ending of the Flashpoint storyline was so sad when Barry had to say goodbye to his parents again and Eobard made Barry say that he needed Reverse Flash to kill his mom. Like way to just pour a truckload of salt in Barry's open wounds. I did really like the change in the end though where Iris and Joe are no longer close and I want to explore more of this. I was expecting everything to go back to normal but when I didn't see Iris inside the house, I knew something was up. Why did going back and fixing the past mix up the future? Shouldn't it have gone back to the exact same as before? And how did Eobard know that Barry's life was going to be different?

Also speaking of the past, its a good thing that only one Flash and Reverse Flash can exist at a time cause the amount of times they've been in the same point in time where Barry's mom dies, there would be a closet full of Flashes to hide!! Also why is Barry's time traveling totally cool with the Legends/Timemasters? Are we just supposed to pretend they don't exist cause they're on a different night.
Also who else thought when Barry talked about going to see a friend in the other timeline that it was going to be Oliver? Disappointed it wasn't!!!

Anyway so overall I loved this episode and I'm glad everything didn't just go back to normal in the end cause it leaves us a jumping point for the future. I want to know more about Alchemy and I really think this show needs to check speedsters off of their list of villains because it might get repetitive to have 3 seasons worth of speed villains. They need to mix it up before they lose viewers.

And that's all from me! I'll see you tomorrow for my review of Arrow Season 5 Episode 1!!!

xoxo Allie