Another amazing episode that I enjoyed thoroughly until the very end!!
I'm still loving the return of the original team minus Jemma and the addition of Ghost Rider! I loved their mission into the base and how freaking utterly badass Daisy was in the cafeteria fight scene. Like seriously, she didn't even have to use her powers to beat almost all of the Watchdogs. God the Watchdogs irriate me so much. And especially one of the Watchdogs was a black man. Are these people not understanding how horrid it is to hate an entire group of people for being different? Anyway, I liked how Coulson and May saved Daisy in the end. I keep waiting for a group hug or a hug between Daisy and Coulson. Someone needs to hug Daisy. That's all she needs. But also I'm kind of over this whole I need to stay away from everyone cause I cause people to die thing she's doing. May put it exactly right. It nevers works out because there's no way to stop everyone from caring about you and that she's been through it before and knows it doesn't work. Even Lincoln wouldn't want this.
On the flip side, while Daisy, May and Coulson were having all the trouble in the world, Robbie and Mack managed to make it through the jail without too much trouble. They did have a run in with two of those ghost-people but Robbie dispatched of them quickly enough. Mack did get touched but now that Fitz has created a cure, he was able to cure himself of the demon touch fear thing which was awesome. One of my favorite scenes this episode was when Fitz and Mack were going back and forth on the coms and the teasing Fitz and Mack were doing on the plane. I liked Robbie's eye rolls at their relationship cause I always think it's fun to show how much these characters like each other. Also I think it's kind of hilarious how easily these ghosts are being dealt with and now that there's a cure, there's not even a sense of urgency around the ghost touch anymore. Anyway they were able to save Eli but Eli ended up being caught by Lisa anyway because Mack and Robbie had to split up and Robbie left Eli alone to settle some old debts. I knew from the first moment Robbie and inmate spoke that the inmate was probably responsible for paralyzed Robbie's brother. It was pretty badass when Robbie walks through the jail with his Ghost Rider on and all the inmates run back into their cells in fear.
Speaking of badass, Jemma kicked ass tonight. She was all worried that the lie detector would cause her to be fired because she was keeping a bunch of secrets from SHIELD but the director had bigger problems and so her test was put off. I was a little disappointed the show decided to have AIDA be a reason for Jemma and Fitz to fight because after last week, I thought Jemma understood why it had to be a secret and I'm hoping next week all is forgiven and the reason that Jemma was angry this week was because she was stressed about the test. I loved when she realized that director was lying about Vienna and blackmailed him into not making her take the polygraph tests anymore. I got all excited at this part because I thought Jemma was going to say that the director wasn't an inhuman but that wasn't the case. What even is his power? How do we know he's actually who he says he is. We've never met him before but the show acts like he's Captain America in how we should know everything about him. I'm calling it now: Director Mace is not an inhuman.
Now that I've gushed about everything I liked, let's talk about what I didn't. I didn't hate the last scene between Mace and the senator who hates inhumans but I've never enjoyed watching this kind of stuff on my screen. The fact that Mace is going to be blackmailed and that he cares so much about poll numbers irritates me. First of all, SHIELD is not a public political office. There is no voting directors into power so why are approval numbers such a big deal? Also even if SHIELD is not working in the shadows, the public has never had a real place in the going-ons. Can you imagine Fury having to plan his decisions on what a random person in Utah thinks???? It's so contrived and annoying and I get that this is what happens in real life with government but I don't care to spend so much time focusing on it in a tv show unless it a political one. Agents of SHIELD is a spy/superhero show. Let's stick to that. I want to see the team battle villains not politicans and worry about what the public thinks.
Anyway, despite the ending and the storyline with the director, I loved this episode. Tune in tomorrow for my Arrow review.
xoxo Allie
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