So Lynda Carter was on tonight's episode and she was the POTUS who came to National City to sign the Alien Amnesty Act. It was a wonderful thought and I liked how happy Supergirl was that the act was being signed. It was also interesting to see what some of the more extremist aliens thought about the act and how it was a ploy to be able to hunt down the aliens. I would like to know more about the act because to me it sounded like it was a way to prevent aliens from being killed just for being aliens but according to the fire alien who's name I never caught, it seemed to require aliens to list themselves as aliens on a database and if that's the case, well you know how I feel about lists..... After seeing how poorly these kinds of lists can be kept secure on Agents of SHIELD, I really don't think tagging aliens will work any better. In fact, no one should be tagged and tracked like animals. This episode was diving into the idea that aliens should have the same rights as humans and it was very reminiscient of real life debates about minorities and the LGBTQ community. Aliens and Mutants and Inhumans have always been a way for comics to discuss and debate real world issues of rights and prejudices.
Speaking of prejudices, Kara had a bit of a problem with Mon El. It turned out he was an Daxomite from the Kryptonian sister planet Daxom and neither Krypton nor Daxom got along so because of this, as soon as Kara found out Mon wasn't a Kryptonian, she let her prejudices get in the way and assumed that he was the one trying to kill the President. I was a bit disappointed in Kara because she of all people should have understood that you can't judge a book by it's cover. She spent the whole episode dealing with human prejudice against aliens especially with the new tech LCorp was creating to sense aliens and she knew that was wrong but when she got the chance to be in the same place as the humans, she did exactly what they would have and did not give him the benefit of the doubt. Of course though Kara is a good person and she realized by the end of the episode that she hadn't been fair to Mon El and was able to open up to him. I really hope they end up dating because I think they could have a fun Romeo and Juliet thing!
Across town there's apparently an alien bar where aliens go for refuge from the world which is one of the coolest things I've seen and I really hope that not only do we get to visit this bar again but that Kara gets to head there and check it out. I wonder if this place serves alien drinks in addition to alcohol from Earth? I just want to see Kara geek out in this place. J'onn went down there at the end of the episode and he ended up running into M'gann who was working as a bartender. She reacted strangely upon seeing him and he realized something was wrong immediately. M'gann is a white Martian in the comics who pretends to be a green Martian like Martian Manhunter and it looks like that'll be the case in Supergirl as well. It will be fun to explore this because the White martians in Supergirl killed all of the green Martians other than J'onn who has a deep hatred for them and M'gann probably knows this and this will mean that at some point, J'onn and M'gann will have to deal with this and it's going to be amazing! I'm looking forward to the bonding they'll do and I hope J'onn is less suspicious of her existance and more excited like Kara was to see Clark or to meet Mon El!
Maggie Sawyer also appeared in this episode and at first I was really confused as to why she knew so much about aliens at the POTUS shooting crime scene because she was human and humans don't know everything about aliens and their powers but it made more sense when she revealed the alien bar and how she frequents it all the time. She was kind of annoying when we first met her but she turned out not to be half bad. It seems like she and Alex might be heading into having a relationship but we don't know Alex's orientation so nothing is clear as of now. I wonder if we'll see more of her.
Jimmy was having trouble being the boss and Snapper kept trying to take over. Eventually Kara showed him that he needed to take charge and he did. I'll be interested to see what the catalyst is for Jimmy to become the Guardian. Winn was doing his usual thing and tracking all sorts of things down. I hope the show can give him some sort of storyline in the future. Lena Luthor is building a tracking device that can display who's a human and who's an alien which not only is a horrible way to allow people to be scared of aliens but also seems to be poorly built. You need to touch it in order for it to let you know whether you're an alien so people are going to force aliens to touch it? Also how does LCorp know alien skin is different than human skin? Are there a lot of alien skin samples in the vaults?
There were a lot of great shots in this episode particularily the one where Kara created a vaccum Flash-style to prevent the fire alien from taking in oxygen and the one where Kara was shot by a fireball while she was in the air and turned around and flew into the camera. It's crazy how much better the CGI looks now that Supergirl is on CW!!
Anyway loved this episode and tune in tomorrow for my Flash and Agents of SHIELD reviews!
xoxo Allie
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