Another fun Flash episode tonight! I was a little worried that this season would go the way of the second season after the premiere but I'm glad that the last episode and this one were great!
Jessie and Harry are back for lets be honest, at least midseason. The show doesn't feel that same without Tom Cavanagh so I'm glad he's back. Even better is that he came back with a speedster Jessie! She looked thrilled to have powers all episode and I can't wait until she puts on her costume! I also liked how jealous Wally was in response to the fact that Jessie got powers and he didn't. I am pretty sure he's going to go to Dr Alchemy too to try to get his powers back as well especially after listening to Frankie talk about her experience.
Speaking of Frankie, I always like when the show decides to end the episode differently than locking up the villain or whoever Barry is facing and this was a fun end. Frankie wasn't responsible for her crimes and I'm glad the show decided not to put her in jail. It was weird though that she decided to call her alter ego Magenta cause usually the names for these metas are related to their powers in some way. I did like Cisco's meh at her name. It made me smile.
I'm enjoying this slow burn that the show is trying to do with Caitlin and her ice powers. It makes sense why Caitlin would try to hide them because everyone has met Killer Frost and it would be only logical for everyone else to fear her becoming a villain if she told them. Especially since that time after Ronnie died when she tried to hide her emotions and Cisco was afraid that she was becoming Killer Frost. Despite this, I wish she would come clean to at least one person. I think Iris would be a good choice or maybe Jessie. Neither have really interacted with Killer Frost and may be less judgmental than Barry or Cisco.
Iris and Barry are still precious and I was a little worried at the beginning of the episode that their one bad date would lead to the end of their relationship a la Oliver and Felicity at the beginning of season 3. Luckily that was not the case and I'm glad that Iris understands when Barry has to run off. I never understand why the significant others of superheroes always get upset when dates are interrupted. Hello, you're dating a superhero: it comes with the territory!
And with that, I believe I can wrap up my review of this episode. I enjoyed it a bit more than last week's episode and don't forget to tune in tomorrow for my Arrow review!!
xoxo Allie
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