So before I get into this episode, let me repeat once again that Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie and because of that I will be either super energetic or super bitter about the episode because I'm super picky about what I see from Aladdin. Now let's get into it shall we?
First of all, let's discuss the costumes! I was so happy because after seeing the weird cosplay costume that Elsa got with the limp braid and the crazy hair Merida got, I was worried that the Aladdin and Jasmine costumes wouldn't be as perfect as they should have been. Luckily everything was perfect! Jasmine's hair! Jasmine's costume! The chemistry between Aladdin and Jasmine! The Aladdin costume! The Aladdin hair! Jafar's snake serpent staff! AHHHHHHHH
I loved the story of Aladdin and Jasmine in this episode. It was a little different from the original Disney plot but there was enough similarities sprinkled throughout for me to love it. They had their first meeting in the market place, the apple toss from Aladdin to Jasmine, Aladdin being the diamond in the rough, the Sultan being under Jafar's spell, Jasmine being stuck in an hourglass, Aladdin saving the day and of course the I can show you the world line!! I kind of really like that they didn't actually get together in the end of the flashbacks because that means we will get to see more of them in the present!!! The story of Aladdin and Jasmine will not be complete until they end up together and come on! We never even saw them kiss so there has to be more.
I still don't know if I like this Jafar. So far I still prefer Naveen Andrews but we also saw him for a season compared to a few minutes we saw Oded Fahr this episode. Since his story wasn't wrapped up in the flashbacks either, we're going to see more of him too and I cannot describe how pumped I am that the cast of Aladdin isn't an one-off kind of thing like how Hercules and Meg were all built up during the Underworld arc and were in one episode. I liked the idea of him giving Aladdin the shears that cut his destiny and I hope we get to see more of why/how Aladdin used them! Also loved the little Oracle bird who I want him to name drop Iago! I understand why we can't use the Genie but let's use Iago at least!!
In the present day, the Charmings and Regina and Hook found out that Jasmine was who she was and that Aladdin was the savior in the past and then the Evil Queen disguised as Archie outed Emma for keeping secrets. Regina got super un-chill about the whole not being in Emma's vision and it was kinda funny but she came up with a weird way to track Aladdin. Hook was sad that Emma lied (as if they've never lied to each other) and the Charmings and Henry were terrified for Emma. I loved how brave Jasmine was both in the flashbacks and in the present. Hook was trying to convince her to wait outside and she walked forward anyway. I knew from the moment they entered the crypts that Aladdin wouldn't be dead but hiding around the corner or was under an illusion spell or something cause HELLO freaking Aladdin couldn't be dead when Jasmine was alive!!! You can't destroy a beloved Disney movie like that!
Seeing Aladdin and Emma talking about their mutual savior-ness was awesome! I want them to work together to try to figure out how to save Emma and I want Jasmine and Henry or Hook to work together as well to save their saviors in their own way! I love the parallelism between the two saviors and the people that love them and I will be super disappointed if they don't capitalize on their similarities. I assume we will if we're keeping Aladdin and Jasmine on!
Oh and the Evil Queen and Zelena went for a girls day out and the Evil Queen convinced Zelena to become wicked again which Zelena accepted. Still annoyed that Zelena shifted back to the evil side!
As you can tell, I loved loved loved this episode and I loved loved loved everything Aladdin!!! I can't wait to keep watching the show and can't wait until next week even though it looks like a Hook episode. Tune in tomorrow for my Supergirl and Gotham review!
xoxo Allie
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